Christ Church - Tara



Christ Church Tara has seen many changes throughout its lengthy history. There has been an Anglican presence here long before the actual building was erected in 1877. The original church was built around 1861 and stoodjust north west of the present day church. The design and plans is a duplicate from a church in England. The church officially opened on December 9, 1877. Three services we: led by Rev. Dean Cooper. A total of 1,270 people attended and the collection came to $103. 94. An interesting piece of our history is that Rev. Cooper abandoned his congregations in Scone, Chesley and Paisley to come to Tara. The church would become known as 'Coopers Cathedral' as it was a most magnificent structure 

for its time and Rev. Cooper himself was instrumental in the building of the structure. Pews were not installed until 1879 and were then let or rented to the parishioners. There were $10, $8, $6, and $5 pews which were paid for quarterly. It is likely this is why folks took ownership of a particular seat in the church and maintained that even until today. Each family was expected to subscribe to the salary of the minister and each year a collector was elected to collect the subscriptions. Who would want that job today! An envelope system was put in place in 1907 for the collection of the subscriptions. The ladies guild which was formed in 1917 are responsible for the installation of electricity in the church in 1921. To this day these ladies still pay the electrical bill. 

The original church was used as a Sunday School until 1919 when a new Parish Hall was built. This hall was torn down in 1988 for a modem structure which stands today. Both Bishop Bob and Bishop Terry had their start in our Parish. While our congregation is small, we are a most dedicated and faithful group who work hard to maintain the current structure. A Food Bank opened in 2013 and is home to a thriving hard working group of community volunteers who serve those in need. Over the past year they have seen a 30 percent increase in usage.

Sunday Worship Services - 10:00AM

sunday school

We welcome all children and will accommodate with programing as needed

59 Union Street, Tara

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